撤销一个 git commit --amend

可能会碰到这样的情况,你想要将本该在 HEAD 之前提交的修改通过 git commit --amend 提交追加到 HEAD 上了。这样,就需要回滚你刚刚完成的操作,然后将它应用到正确的提交上。对于简单的修改,你可能会发现 git reset -p 很方便。很多情况下修改的内容太多,并且和前面的提交交织在一起,你可能会需要 git reflog 帮忙。

reflog 记录分支顶端的更新。顶端会在你每次创建新的提交,追加提交,重置提交,切换分支等等操作的时候被更新。基本上,一旦 HEAD 发生了变化,就会生成一次 reflog 记录。因此 reflog 是理解仓库如何进入特定状态的强大工具。

git reflog -2 会给你 Git 最近两次完成的操作。这种情况下,看起来就像下面:

8751261 HEAD@{0}: commit (amend): Something something something commit message
9d3a192 HEAD@{1}: reset: moving to HEAD~1

git commit --amend 是一种简写(考虑修改已经产生,不在索引区就在工作目录中):

git stash
git reset HEAD~1
git stash pop
git add .
git commit


  • 将你想要应用到 HEAD 提交中的修改保存到 stash 中
  • 移除 HEAD 提交,将内容放置到索引区
  • 将暂存起来的修改释放到工作目录,添加到刚刚被重置的提交的修改中。
  • 执行一个新的提交。

因此,reflog 中的最后两部操作是 resetcommit

所以,我们能用它做什么?好吧,在 amend(尤其是在 reset 之前)发生之前,9d3a192 是 HEAD。8751261是在 amend 操作之后生成的提交。git diff 8751261..9d3a192 将会向你展示 amend 中应用了什么修改。

从这里开始,你可以用 git apply 来将 amend 之前到 amend 之后的差异应用到你的工作树,通过 git diff

git diff 8751261..9d3a192 | git apply -
  • Note: The hyphen in git apply - causes git apply to take stdin as input.
  • Extra Note: The arguments here are given in reverse order, with the later commit happening first to show the reverse of the amend. It’s the same as doing git diff 9d3a192..8751261 -R, which reverses the diff output. Additionally, the -R argument may be applied to git apply instead of git diff to achieve the same effect.

Now we can do another amend to put the commit back to where it was before we did the previous amend:

git commit -a --amend -CHEAD

And then, by reversing the order of the SHAs to git diff, get the changes we want to apply to the correct commit back:

git diff 9d3a192..8751261 | git apply -

And commit as necessary, this time using –fixup to indicate the correct commit (in this example, 1234567):

git commit -a --fixup 1234567

Then you can rebase at a later time (or now) to do the ‘amend’ you had originally intended:

git rebase --i --autosquash 1234567~1

So don’t fret when you do an accidental amend. It’s just a couple commands away from being unwound and applied to the correct commit.

本文标题:撤销一个 git commit --amend


发布时间:2019年03月29日 - 10:17:44

最后更新:2019年07月15日 - 18:05:10


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